LAPSyD News This is a RSS feed from the LAPSyD news en DDL Copyleft DDL / CNRS UMR5596 - Universit�e Lyon2 / France 500 !!! 6

LAPSyD keeps going on, with 500 languages in the "public" area of the database. We continue working on more than 200 languages in the private area, in the process of validation and consolidation. Thank you Ian !

More than 400 languages now "public" 5

LAPSyD now has over 400 languages in the "public" area of the database.  

300 languages 4

It's now official, LAPSyD offers more than 300 languages publicly available !

LAPSyD keeps on evolving! 3

In 2014, LAPSyD keeps on evolving! 286 languages are publicly available and 300 others are in progress and accessible for registered users... Several recent enhancements have also been implemented and this message launches the 'News' Section.

Interspeech 2013 award 2

During Interspeech 2013, the LAPSyD team was deeply honored to receive the Best Show and Tell Award, selected from more than 30 demonstrations by a Committee of industrial and academic researchers.

First Step Tutorial 1

Want to discover what LAPSyD can do for you? Check out the First Step Tutorial to explore LAPSyD powerful tools and build your own queries! Additionally, don't forget to browse the Information Section for a comprehensive description of LAPSyD data and tools.