Overall summaries of LAPSyD data
The items in this menu present overviews of the data in LAPSyD. Browsing users will see summaries covering all the languages whose data has been reviewed and updated (‘public’ languages). Registered users will see summaries which also include languages ‘inherited’ from UPSID whose data has not necessarily been updated.
The overviews available are by:
- Language family. This presents a histogram showing the number of languages in LAPSyD in each of the families recognized in the outline classification used. Below this are pie charts showing splits within families into some major-subgroups, useful for larger families. For convenience, a traditional clustering of languages into ‘Papuan’ and ‘Khoisan’ groups is followed; in these cases the ‘subgroups’ are more likely valid taxa. To reduce the clutter, languages regarded as Unclassified or as Isolates are also placed together in clusters.
- Last update. This provides a list of languages most recently added to the published list (i.e. fully reviewed), and a list of languages whose entries have most recently had a minor change.
- Role of stress. Provides a map of the languages according to the classification of the role of stress.
- Syllable complexity. Provides a map of the languages according to the categorization of syllable complexity.
- Tone system. Provides a map of the languages according to whether or not they have tone contrasts, and the level of complexity of the tone system when present.
- Areal grouping. Provides a map of the languages divided into the six genetic/geographical groupings used in LAPSyD.