Numeric values are given for the maximal degree of elaboration of the Onset, Nucleus and Coda elements separately, and these are summed to give an overall Syllable Index.
Onset value are 0 for maximal one-consonant onset (since CV syllable is taken to be universal), 1 for common CC onsets (such as CG, CL), 2 for less common 2-consonant onsets, and 3 for maximally 3 or more consonants in onset.
Nucleus scores are 1 for single-mora nuclei as the maximum, and 2 for bimoraic (or longer) nuclei.
Coda scores are 1 for maximally a single consonant, 2 for two consonants and 3 for 3 or more consonants permitted in coda.
The summed Syllable Index thus ranges from 1 for a languages such as Yoruba with maximal CV syllables to 8 for a language such as English which permits elaborate onset and coda clusters.